A Corporate Event Should Have Clear Objectives Which Should Be Obvious To Everyone Within The Team.
This Ensures Targeted Team Cohesion In Achieving The Goals Of The Event.
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A Corporate Event Should Have Clear Objectives Which Should Be Obvious To Everyone Within The Team.
This Ensures Targeted Team Cohesion In Achieving The Goals Of The Event.
A Corporate Event Should Have Clear Objectives Which Should Be Obvious To Everyone Within The Team To Ensure Targeted Team Cohesion In Achieving Them.
When objectives are set this eliminates ambiguity and everyone will know these without having to ask any questions.
Where a Corporate Event is being staged on behalf of a client there will be a reason why the Event is being putting together and the objectives should be set with the client’s goals in mind.
The Objective of the Corporate Event will be to reach a desired outcome, there may be just one Objective for the Corporate Event or there may be more. Try to keep things simple by not working to a huge list otherwise things will not be achievable!
It might that a Corporate Event has been put together to “attract new customers” and to “increase sales” or an event could be an internal promotional activity to “boost staff morale” but many extra sales are you hoping to achieve and how will you know if staff morale has been boosted?
An objective to simply “increase sales” is not particularly helpful as this does not identify how much additional sales revenue or what % increase to sales revenue would be sufficient on completion of the event.
In order to create more meaningful Corporate Event Objectives use of the SMART model is needed. The Objectives should be SMART; Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time Bound
The Corporate Event Objective needs to be positive, clear and obvious, so avoid vague words or open ended descriptions that could be misinterpreted.
If you are looking at increasing “sale revenue” be clear what this term actually means, whereas Sales Revenue is monies generated from sales to your customers, “income” means something different and would cover income from selling items which may not be your primary business activity.
When you have a Corporate Event objective there needs to be a precise measure to target against using a metric so in the case of sales revenue this could be “increase sales revenue by 10%” here you have a target set and something to measure.
You may have spent lots of time, money and effort putting the Corporate Event together but don’t expect the world make sure you have a realistic target that you think you can achieve. Keep the objective achievable but still challenging.
The Corporate Event Objectives need to be in line with the overall objectives of the Business and focus on the bigger picture rather than all the small points within the Event itself.
Time Bound
The Corporate Event Objectives need to have a timeline this will help to focus and work to a time plan keeping the Event Team working towards a deadline.
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